

TBN CC # : 3219998 ( 原招標公告訊息)
公佈日期 : 2017/5/24
採購單位 : 台灣中油股份有限公司
採購案號 : AEA0604001
採購名稱 : OPIC澳洲等3家公司2017至2018年稅務及移轉訂價文件等相關服務
決標廠商 : (請登入會員)
廠商代碼 : U0056095
廠商電話 : (請登入會員)
廠商地址 : (請登入會員)
決標金額 : 新台幣 (請登入會員) 元整
預算金額 : 新台幣 (請登入會員) 元整
底價金額 : 新台幣 7,850,740 元整
決標日期 : (請登入會員)


公告單位案號 : AEA0604001
採購名稱 : OPIC澳洲等3家公司2017至2018年稅務及移轉訂價文件等相關服務
採購類別 : 勞務-勞務及派遣
採購單位 : 台灣中油股份有限公司
機關地址 : 110臺北市信義區松仁路3號19樓
採購方式 : 公開招標
連絡人 : 葉小姐
連絡人電話 : (02)87258336
傳真號碼 : (02)87899094
更新公告日期 : 106年4月12日  原公告 : 前2版(106/3/15) 
截止收件日期 : 106年4月26日 17:00
開標日期 : 106年4月27日 14:00
預算或預估採購金額 : 新台幣 9,800,000 元
廠商資格 :
基本資格: 1.合法註冊之澳洲地區會計師事務所(需提供經公證之書面證明影本)。 2.廠商具有石油天然氣業之財務、會計服務經驗(需提供相關證明文件影本)。 3.廠商提供主要服務人員名單,召集人或副召集人(若有)需具備澳洲註冊會計師資格,需具備石油天然氣業財務、會計服務經驗,並熟悉澳洲會計相關規定
附加說明 :
Basic qualification requirements: 1.合法註冊之澳洲地區會計師事務所(需提供經公證之書面證明影本)。 1.Certificate of registration A copy of certificate of company registration or business registration, or a copy of other certificates issued by government entities or institutions authorized by government entities certifying that the tenderer is lawfully established or registered under the laws of Australia. If the certificate is issued outside the Republic of China (Taiwan), the document (including printout from the issuer’s website) shall be certified by the diplomatic or representative office of the Republic of China (Taiwan), or notary public, or chamber of commerce. A notarized or certificated either Chinese or English translation shall be attached to each of the said qualification document unless the originals are in Chinese or English. 2.廠商具有石油天然氣業之財務、會計服務經驗(需提供相關證明文件影本)。 2.Certificate of experience A copy of verifiable credentials or documents related to income tax return (ITR), Transfer Pricing (TP) or Diverted Profit Tax (DPT) (such as parts of contracts, receipts, acceptance letters, announcements, approvals etc.) issued by the clients, or government entities or institutions authorized by government entities which indicate the tenderer has the experience in tax, financial, accounting, and Australian regulation respectively in oil and gas sector. The parts of contracts mentioned above shall include at least name of execution parties, scope of work and signing page. 3.廠商提供主要服務人員名單,召集人或副召集人(若有)需具備澳洲註冊會計師資格,需具備石油天然氣業財務、會計服務經驗,並熟悉澳洲會計相關規定 3.Contact Personnel form and personnel experience requirements Tenderers shall furnish Contact Personnel form (attachment VI) for CPC’s tender evaluation. The team leader and the co-leader (if any) of tenderer shall provide the copy of verifiable credentials, licenses or certificates issued by the government entities or institutions authorized by government entities and curriculum vitas as set forth in Contact Personnel form for CPC to verify. Both the team leader and the co-leader (if any) shall have extensive experience in tax, finance, accounting, transaction advisory services. Either the team leader or the co-leader (if any) shall have such experience in Austrian oil and gas sector. Both the team leader and the co-leader (if any) shall be qualified as an Australia Chartered Accountant and the personnel provided by the tenderer shall cover specialists who have professional competence in tax, finance, accounting, and Australian regulations respectively. ※「本案契約之訂定係依公共工程委員會之契約範本並略作調整以符合本公司需求」 ※本案履約期限為預估期限,實際以本公司通知日為準。 ※本案履約地點(Place of Contract Performance):Australia and Contractor’s office
